
584 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
configuration metadata, 111
creating the PVL specific configuration, 370
drives, 117
jobs, 117
metadata, 117
physical volumes, 117
server considerations, 70
unlocking PVL drives, 465
Physical Volume Repository (PVR), 28, 71
AML PVR information, 72
cartridges, 118
configuration metadata, 111
creating the PVR specific configuration, 373
IBM 3494/3495 PVR information, 72, 389
metadata, 118
operator mounted drives, 56
operator PVR, 72
server considerations, 71
StorageTek PVR information, 71, ??–392
tape robots, 54
types of PVRs provided, 29
PIOFS, see Parallel Input/Output File System
Policy Modules, 35
accounting policy, 85
logging policy, 36, 89
migration policy, 35
purge policy, 35, 84
security policy, 87
Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), 34
POSIX, see Portable Operating System Interface
Protocol for Intelligent Peripheral Interface (IPI-3), see IPI-3
creating purge policy configuration, 285
purge policy, 35
storage policy considerations, 84
PV, see Physical Volume
PVL, see Physical Volume Library
PVR, see Physical Volume Repository
Requirements and Intended Usages for HPSS, 43
charging policy, 44
duplicate file policy, 44
load characterization, 44
required throughputs, 44
security, 45