
576 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
vendor software requirements, 392
API, see Client Application Program Interface
Application Program Interface (API), see Client Application Program Interface
Audit, see Security
Authentication, see Security
Authorization, see Security
Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS), 390
BFS, see Bitfile Server
Bitfile Server, 22, 26
BFS metadata, 112
BFS storage segment checkpoint, 114
BFS storage segment unlinks, 114
configuration metadata, 110
creating the BFS specific configuration, 324
security policy, 88
Bitfiles, 22, 26
bitfile Class of Service changes, 114
bitfile disk allocation maps, 113
bitfile disk segments, 113
bitfile IDs, 22, 26
bitfile tape segments, 114
metadata, 113
security policy, 88
Block Size
blocks between tape marks, 96
configuration, 138
FTP, 138
media block size selection, 93
virtual volume disk, 94
virtual volume tape, 94
CDS, see Cell Directory Service
Cell Directory Service (CDS), 31, 46
Cell Directory Services (CDS), 36
Class of Service (COS), 23
bitfile COS changes, 114
creating COS configuration, 318
metadata, 112, 113
selecting average latency, 104
selecting maximum file size, 103
selecting minimum file size, 103
selecting optimum access size, 104
selecting stage code, 103
selecting transfer rate, 105