
Appendix D Accounting Examples
492 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
about the storage used by a particular HPSS Account Index (AcctId) in a particular Class Of Service
The total number of file accesses (#Accesses) to files owned by the Account Index in the
Class Of Service. In general, file accesses are counted against the account of the user
accessing the file, not the owner of the file itself.
The total number of files (#Files) stored under the Account Index in the Class Of Service.
The total amount of data stored (Length) under the Account Index in the Class Of Service.
The second type of line has a non-zero value in the Storage Class column (SClass). This type of line
contains information about the storage used by a particular HPSS Account Index (AcctId) in a
particular Storage Class (SClass) within a particular Class Of Service (COS). These line contain the
following information:
The total number of file accesses (#Accesses) in this particular Storage Class for the given
Class Of Service. If a class of service is configured to stage bitfiles on open, then all file
accesses will occur in the storage class at the top of the hierarchy.
The total amount of data transferred (Transferred) into or out of this Storage Class and
Class Of Service for this particular Account Index. Note that data transferred is counted
against the owner of account transferring the data, not the owner of the data itself.
Note: File transfer information is not always accounted for when it occurs through
interfaces other than the HPSS Client API (i.e. HPSS NFS, HPSS DFS, etc.).
Example Accounting Report File:
# Comment file first line
# Comment file last line
# HPSS Accounting Snapshot completed on Wed Jul 15 12:57:00 1998
# Storage Unit Size : 1
# Total Number of Rows : 5
# Total Number of Accounts : 2
# Total Storage Units for HPSS system : 15598533
# Entries with ‘0’ in the SClass field are COS totals.
# Other entries apply to individual storage classes.
# AcctId COS 0 #Accesses #Files Length (COS)
# AcctId COS SClass #Accesses Transferred (SClass)
# --- ----- ----- ---------- ----------- ----------
2033 3 0 0 5 212895
634 1 0 89 89 4168147
634 1 1 89 89
634 5 0 152 152 11217491
634 5 9 152 152
The HPSS accounting file will be correlated with the Account Map to determine the appropriate
accounting charges. This is a customer site function.