Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 459
Release 4.5, Revision 2
When multiple HDM Servers and DMAP Gateways are running, they must use different TCP
ports. gateways.dat File
The gateway configuration file, gateways.dat, is a text file identifying DMAP gateways that will
communicate with HDM. The file must be located in the same directory as config.dat, typically /
The file consists of a number of entries, each containing a host name, port, and encryption key. The
host name is the name of the machine where a gateway runs or the name of a host where a system
administrator will run sensitive commands such as create_fsys. The host name should be a fully
qualified name, which includes the domain name. However, two entries may be necessary in some
cases, one using the fully qualified name and one using the abbreviated name. Be sure to make
entries in this file for every DMAP Gateway that HDM uses. For security reasons, do not name
hosts that do not communicate with HDM.
Be sure to use the DMAP Gateway port (typically 7001) and not HDM port (typically 6002). If the
machine is an administrative machine, use 0 for the port.
The encryption key is used to secure communications between HDM and DMAP Gateway. The
value is expressed as a 16 digit hexadecimal number. The number must agree with the number
entered on the DMAP Gateway's server specific configuration screen. The gateways.dat file should
be protected to prevent unauthorized users from discovering the key.
For backward compatibility, the port and encryption key fields are optional. If the encryption key
is missing, HDM will use an encryption key of zero. If the port is missing, a value of zero will be
used. In this case, the named machine will not be able to act as a gateway, but will still be able to
act as an administrative machine.
The following is a sample gateways.dat file:
# gateways.dat: sample gateway configuration file
# Normal entry has full name
tardis.ca.sandia.gov 7001 0123456789abcdef
# Short name may be needed
tardis 7001 0123456789abcdef
# An administrative machine
admin.daleks.com 0 fedcba9876543210
# Port = 0; key = 0
################################################################## policy.dat File
The policy configuration file, policy.dat, is a text file that describes the parameters used to control
the migration and purge processes. The file must be located in the same directory as config.dat,
typically, /var/hpss/hdm/hdm<id>.