
Chapter 5 HPSS Infrastructure Configuration
242 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
<mkhpss> [3] Create and Manage SFS Files
<mkhpss> [4] Set Up FTP Daemon
<mkhpss> [5] Set Up Startup Daemon
<mkhpss> [6] Add SSM Administrative User
<mkhpss> [7] Start SSM Servers/User Session
<mkhpss> [E] Re-run hpss_env()
<mkhpss> [U] Un-configure HPSS
<mkhpss> [X] Exit
<mkhpss> Reply ===> (Select Option [1-7, E, U, X]):
Messages will be provided to indicate the status of the HPSS infrastructure configuration process
at each stage. The HPSS infrastructure configuration results can be obtained from the messages
displayed during the HPSS infrastructure configuration process or can be reviewed by reading the
/opt/hpss/config/mkhpss.data file. Do not alter this file.
The hpss_unmake file contains information needed for the Unconfigure HPSS option. This file is
in the /opt/hpss/config directory. Do not alter this file.
The sfs_servers file contains information needed for the Unconfigure Encina option. Each entry in
this file has a name and the disks used for each SFS server. This file is also in the /opt/hpss/config
directory. Do not alter this file.
Although it is recommended that the mkhpss script be used only once per node to configure the
HPSS infrastructure, it can be run again to correct or modify the infrastructure configuration as
needed. However, after the HPSS servers are configured, mkhpss should not be used to modify
DCE, Encina, or any other data that may affect the configuration of the HPSS system.
The following steps are automatically performed at the beginning of each mkhpss execution:
1. Load in the environment variables defined in the hpss_env file and hpss_env_defs.h file.
2. Verify that the user has root authority.
3. Create and initialize directories and files required for running HPSS.
4. Edit the mkhpss.data file to record status messages and processed states.
5.5.1 Configure HPSS with DCE
This option can only be performed from a node with the HPSS All Servers package installed. This
option should only be performed once in the cell. The System Administrator should propagate the
generated HPSS server and client keytab files to all other HPSS nodes. Refer to Section 5.6:
Customize DCE Keytabs Files on page 246 for more information. The following steps are
automatically performed:
1. Remove the HPSS keytab files, if any exist.
2. Create DCE groups for the HPSS servers and clients.
3. Create DCE principals and accounts for HPSS servers.