
Chapter 4 HPSS Installation
208 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2 Install an HPSS Package Using the installp Command
Log on to the node as root user and issue the installp command as follows to install an HPSS
package (e.g., HPSS core package):
% installp -acgNQqwX -d \
<input device/directory>/hpss_runtime. \
-f hpss.core 2>&1 Install an HPSS Package Using the AIX SMIT Utility
Perform the following steps to install an HPSS package (e.g., HPSS core package) from the HPSS
distribution media:
1. Log on to the node as root user. Enter smitty install and select the following options in the
order shown:
Install and Update Software
Install and Update from LATEST Available Software
2. Enter the INPUT device/directory for software information.
3. Set the following parameter values on the screen:
INPUT device / directory for software <data entered from step 2>
SOFTWARE to install [hpss.core]
PREVIEW only? (install operation will NOT occur) no
COMMIT software updates? no
SAVE replaced files? yes
AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software? no
EXTEND file systems if space needed? yes
OVERWRITE same or newer versions? no
VERIFY install and check file sizes no
Include corresponding LANGUAGE filesets? yes
DETAILED output? no
Process multiple volumes? yes
4. Press Enter on the dialog box to begin installing the software. (Press F3 to return to Step 3.)
4.4.2 Solaris Installation Install an HPSS Package Using the pkgadd Command
Log on to the node as root user and issue the pkgadd command as follows to install an HPSS
package (e.g., HPSS core package):
% pkgadd -d <input device/directory>/HPSScore- HPSScore