Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration
268 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
Storage Subsystem Name ofthe HPSS Storage
Subsystem to which this
server will be assigned. No
more than one BFS, MPS,
NS, Disk SS, and Tape SS
can be assigned to any one
Any configured Storage
Subsystem name from the
pop-up list. This field is
required for BFS, MPS,
NS, Disk SS, and Tape
SS. For other server types,
the field is blank and
cannot be changed. This
field can only be modified
in the Add mode.
Execution Controls. The following fields describe the server’s execution control configuration.
Server Configuration File
The name of the Encina
SFS file containing
configuration data for this
Any valid SFS filename. Based on the selected
server type.
Execute Pathname The UNIX file system path
name to a server’s
executable. If servers are
running on several hosts,
the name must be the name
of a file on the host that is
running the server.
Any legal UNIX file
executable name>.
Based on the selected
server type.
Advice: Use the full UNIX path name; otherwise, the Startup Daemon will try to
start the file out of the current working directory of the Daemon.
Table 6-3 Basic Server Configuration Variables (Continued)
Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values