Appendix A Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
474 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
DMG Shorthand for DMAP Gateway.
DMLFS A DCE Local File System that has been modified to support XDSM Data
Management APIs.
DNS Domain Name Service
DOE Department of Energy
drive A physical piece of hardware capable of reading and/or writing mounted
cartridges. The terms device and drive are often used interchangeably.
DTS Distributed Time Service
Encina A product from Transarc Corporation that serves as the HPSS transaction
manager. The Encina Structured File Server (SFS) serves as the HPSS
Metadata Manager.
ERA Extended Registry Attribute
ESCON Enterprise System Connection
event A log record message type used to log informational messages (e.g.,
subsystem starting, subsystem terminating). The default logging policy is
to log events and send events to SSM to be displayed in the Alarm and
Event window.
export An operation in which a cartridge and its associated storage space are
removed from the HPSS system. An export translates into a removal of a
cartridge’s storage space from HPSS followed by an eject, which is the
removal of the cartridge itself from its Physical Volume Repository.
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface.
file An object than can be written to, read from, or both, with attributes
including access permissions and type, as defined by POSIX (P1003.1-
1990). HPSS supports only regular files.
file family An attribute of an HPSS file that is used to group a set of files on a common
set of tape virtual volumes.
file server A machine that manages one or more DFS aggregates.
fileset A collection of related files that are organized into a single easily managed
unit. A fileset is a disjoint directory tree that can be mounted in some other
directory tree to make it accessible to users.
fileset id A 64-bit number that uniquely identifies a fileset.
fileset name A name that uniquely identifies a fileset.
file system Another term for a DFS aggregate.