Chapter 2 HPSS Planning
48 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2 XFS
HPSS uses the open source Linux version of SGI’s XFS filesystem as a front-end to an HPSS archive.
The following nodes must have XFS installed:
• Nodes that run the HPSS/XFS HDM servers Encina
HPSS uses the Encina distributed transaction processing software developed by Transarc
Corporation, including the Encina Structured File Server (SFS) to manage all HPSS metadata.
The Encina software consists of the following three components:
• Encina Server
• Encina Client
• Encina Structured File Server
The following nodes must have all Encina components installed:
• Nodes that run Encina SFS
The following nodes must have the Encina Client component installed:
• Nodes that run one or more HPSS servers (with the exception of nodes that run only the
non-DCE Mover)
• Nodes that run an end-user client application that links with the HPSS Client API library
The following nodes do not require Encina:
• Nodes that only run Non-DCE Mover
• Nodes that only run FTP, PFTP, and NFS clients
• Nodes that only run Non-DCE Clients
Specific Encina product versions relative to specific versions of operating systems can be found in
Sections through Sammi
HPSS uses Sammi, a graphical user environment product developed by the Kinesix Corporation,
to implement and provide the SSM graphical user interface. To be able to use SSM to configure,
control, and monitor HPSS, one or more Sammi licenses must be purchased from Kinesix. The
number of licenses needed depends on the site’s anticipated number of SSM users who may be
logged onto SSM concurrently.