
Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration
432 September 2002 HPSS Installation Guide
Release 4.5, Revision 2
The alternative approach would have been to mount jupiter's files directly on /users and tardis'
files directly on /hpss. But this is the layout of mount points that should be avoided; it can cause
the two NFS daemons to interact badly with each other.
7.4.1 The HPSS Exports File
The HPSS exports file contains a list of HPSS directories and filesets that can be exported to the
NFS clients. If this file is changed, the NFS and mount daemons must be restarted before the
changes will take effect. For best results, the daemons should be restarted soon after the changes
are made.
The exports file contains one line for each directory or fileset being exported. The format of an
export line is:
[Fileset]:Directory -Option[,Option]...
where the fields are as follows:
Fileset: Specifiesan optional fileset name. If this field is missing, the root fileset is assumed
and the Directory field refers a directory in that fileset. If the field is present, the directory
refers to the named fileset.
Directory: Specifies the complete HPSS directory pathname relative to the fileset given by
Option: Specifies optional characteristics for the directory being exported. More than one
variable can be entered by separating them with commas. Choose from the following
Table 7-3 Directory Export Options
Option Description
id=Export-id Integer between 1 and 255 that specifies a unique
identifier for this export entry. This option is required. If
duplicate identifiers are found in the hpss exports file, an
error message is logged and only the first entry will be
included in the exports list.
ro Exports the HPSS directory with read-only permission.
Otherwise, if not specified, the directory is exported with
read-write permission.
rw=Client[:Client] Exports the HPSS directory with read-write per- mission
to the machines/networks specified by the Client
parameter and read-only to all others. The Client
parameter can be either the host name or the network
name. Network names are specified in the local system /
etc/networks file. If a Client is not specified, the directory
is exported with read-write permission to all.