
Chapter 2 HPSS Planning
HPSS Installation Guide September 2002 87
Release 4.5, Revision 2
If a user has their default account index encoded in a string of the form AA=<default-acct-idx> in
their DCE account's gecos field or in their DCE principal's HPSS.gecos extended registry attribute
(ERA), then Site-style accounting will be used for them. Otherwise it will be assumed that they are
using UNIX-style accounting.
To keep the accounting information consistent, it is important for this reason to set up all users in
the DCE registry with the same style of accounting (i.e. they should all have the AA= string in their
DCE information or none should have this string.)
See Appendix D: Accounting Examples (page 491) for more information.
2.8.4 Security Policy
HPSS server authentication and authorization make extensive use of Distributed Computing
Environment (DCE) authentication and authorization mechanisms. Each HPSS server has
configuration information that determines the type and level of services available to that server.
HPSS software uses these services to determine the caller identity and credentials. Server security
configuration is discussed more in Section 6.5: Basic Server Configuration (page 262).
Once the identity and credential information of a client has been obtained, HPSS servers enforce
access to their interfaces based on permissions granted by the access control list attached to a
Security object in the server's Cell Directory Service (CDS) directory. Access to interfaces that
change a server's metadata generally requires control permission. Because of the reliance on DCE
security features, HPSS security is only as good as the security employed in the HPSS DCE cell.
HPSS client interface authentication and authorization security features for end users depend on
the interface, and are discussed in the following subsections. Client API
The Client API interface uses DCE authentication and authorization features. Applications that
make direct Client API calls must obtain DCE credentials prior to making those calls. Credentials
can either be obtained at the command level via the dce_login mechanism, or within the
application via the sec_login_set_context interface. Non-DCE Client API
The Non-DCE Client API implements security in 3 modes:
DCE Authentication (default) The client to enter a DCE principal and password which are
then encrypted and sent to the Non-DCE Gateway. The gateway will then try to use this
combination to acquire DCE credentials. The encryption is performed using either the DES
algorithm or a simple hashing function (for sites where DES restrictions apply).
Kerberos Authentication The client tries to authenticate to the gateway using a Kerberos
No Authentication Disables the security features so the client is always trusted and