1.1 Operation Alarm
I - 6
Error No. Details Remedy
Program restart machine lock
Machine lock was applied on the return
axis while manually returning to the
restart position.
• Release the machine lock before
resuming operations.
Chopping override zero • Check the chopping override (R135).
• Check the rapid traverse override (R134).
Command axis chopping axis
A chopping axis movement command
was issued from the program during the
chopping mode. (This alarm will not
occur when the movement amount is
commanded as 0.)
(All axes interlock state will be applied.)
• Reset, or turn OFF the chopping signal.
When the chopping signal is turned OFF,
the axis will return to the reference
position, and then the program movement
command will be executed.
Bottom dead center position zero
The bottom dead center position is set to
the same position as the upper dead
center position.
• Correctly set the bottom dead center
Chopping axis handle selection axis
Chopping was started when the
chopping axis was selected as the
handle axis.
• Select an axis other than the chopping
axis as the handle axis, or start chopping
after changing the mode to another
Axis with no maximum speed set for the
outside of the soft limit range
Returned from the outside of the soft
limit range for the axis with no maximum
speed set for the outside of the soft limit
• Set the maximum speed for the outside of
the soft limit range. (Parameter "#2021
• Change the soft limit range.
(Parameter "#2013 OT–" "#2014 OT+")
An attempt was made to execute G114.*
during execution of G114.*.
G51.2 was commanded when the G51.2
spindle-spindle polygon machining mode
was already entered with a separate
• Issue G113 to cancel G114.*.
• Issue the spindle synchronous cancel
signal (Y2E8: SPSYC) to cancel G114.*.
• Cancel with G50.2.
• Cancel with the spindle-spindle polygon
cancel signal (Y359).
The spindle is being used in synchronized
• Cancel synchronized tapping.
Spindle C axis and other position control
were commanded simultaneously.
C axis mode command was issued for
polygon machining spindle.
C axis mode command was issued for
synchronized tapping spindle.
Polygon command was issued for
synchronized tapping spindle.
Spindle is being used as spindle/C axis.
• Cancel the C axis command.
• Cancel the polygon machining command.
• Cancel the C axis with servo OFF.