ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 107
Location Settings
Setting the Location Icon
The location icon provides a visual cue to the user which identifies their current location. The
location icon displays on the taskbar in the notification area. Use the pull-down list to view and
select from the available location icons:
Select an icon which will help the end-user easily identify their location at a glance.
Update Interval
This setting determines the frequency the ZSC will check for a policy update when it enters this
location. The frequency time is set in minutes, hours, or days. Unchecking this parameter means
the ZSC will NOT check for an update at this location.
User Permissions
User permissions within a location include:
• Change Location - this permits the end-user to change to and out of this location. For
non-managed locations (i.e., hot-spots, airports, hotels, etc.), this permission should be
granted. In controlled environments, where the network parameters are known, this
permission can be disabled. The user will NOT be able to switch to, or out of any loca-
tions when this permission is disabled, rather the ZSC will rely on the network envi-
ronment parameters entered for this location
• Change Firewall Settings - this allows the user to change their firewall settings
• Save Network Environment - this allows the user to save the network environment to
this location, to permit automatic switching to the location when the user returns. Rec-
ommended for any locations the user will need to switch to. Multiple network environ-
ments may be saved for a single location. For example, if a Location defined as
Airport is part of the current policy, each airport visited by the user can be saved as a
network environment for this location. This way, a mobile user can return to a saved
airport environment, and the ZENworks Security Client will automatically switch to
the Airport location, and apply the defined security settings. A user may, of course,
change to a location and not save the environment.
Alt Location
Alt Office
Brief Case
Water Cooler
Paper Clip