
ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 30
Authenticating Directories
Policies are distributed to end-users by interrogating the Enterprise's existing directory service
(eDirectory, Active Directory, and/or NT Domains*). The Authenticating Directories service, is
responsible for handling end-user credentials and authentication issues for the Policy Distribution
* = NT Domain is only supported when the Management Service is installed on a Windows 2000, or 2000
advanced server (SP4)
Click Authenticating Directories to display the manager.
Managing and Adding Directory Services
An initial directory service is normally detected and monitored during the Management Service
communication check at installation. Authenticating Directories can, if required, manage users
from multiple directories and multiple directory platforms.
Figure 10 : Authenticating Directories Window
All information, with the exception of the directory type may be updated. To add a new directory
service, perform the following steps:
Step 1: Click New (located next to Friendly Name)
Step 2: Enter a friendly name for the Directory Service and select its Service Type from the pull-
down list.
Step 3: In the Host/DN box enter the hostname of a domain controller and leave the Domain/Tree
box blank (this box will auto populate after a successful test of the user account in Step 7),
unless you are assigning an eDirectory service, in which case enter the tree name.
Step 4: Check Available for User Authentication if this is the domain a Management Service is
installed on to display the domain in the login pull-down menu. If this is a separate
domain, leave unchecked
Step 5: Select a Service Connection Option: