
ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 38
Figure 18 : Report Toolbar
When reviewing reports, the arrow buttons will help you navigate through each page of the report.
Reports will typically have charts and graphs on the first page with the gathered data on the
remaining pages, ordered by date and type.
The printer button will print the full report using the default printer for this computer.
The Export button saves the report as a PDF file, Excel spreadsheet, Word document, or RTF file
for distribution.
The Group Tree button will toggle a list of parameters to the side of the report. Select any of these
parameters to “drill-down” further into the report. Click the Group Tree button to close the side-
The magnifying glass button provides a drop-down menu to adjust the current view size.
The binoculars button opens a search window.
When you mouse over a certain parameter, like a user name or device name, for example, the
mouse will change to a magnifying glass. You can double-click on that particular item and display
a new report for just that object. Click the “X” button to close the current view and return to the
original report.
To return to the report list, click the Report List icon above the report window (see Figure 19).
Figure 19 : Report list icon
Reports are not available until data has been uploaded from the ZENworks Security Clients. By
default, the ESM Reporting service syncs every 12 hours. This means that reporting and alerts
data will not be ready until 12 hours have passed from installation. To adjust this time frame, open
the Configuration tool (see “Scheduling” on page 29), and adjust the Client Reporting time to the
number of minutes appropriate for your needs and your environment.
Reports that do not have data available will have the “Configure” or “Preview” button grayed out,
with the words No data underneath (see Figure 20).
Figure 20 : No data