ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 195
See IClientNetEnv Interface - GetWirelessAPItem
See IClientNetEnv Interface - GetWirelessAPItem
See IClientNetEnv Interface - GetWirelessAPItem
See IClientNetEnv Interface - GetWirelessAPItem
See IClientNetEnv Interface - GetWirelessAPItem
IClientAdapterList Interface
This interface is a list of adapters in the network environment.
Item & Length
See Query Namespace - GetAdapters
Sample Scripts
Create Registry Shortcut (VB Script)
'This script is to ONLY run at STARTUP of the ZENworks Security Client
'The script creates a desktop and program files shortcut that is linked to a VBScript file that the
script also creates
'The VBScript is located in the ZENworks Security Client installation folder. It sets a registry
entry to TRUE.
'A second script, included in the policy, reads this registry entry. If the entry is TRUE, it will
launch the dialog box
'that allows the user to control wireless adapters.
'This script also disables wireless adapters at startup. Per customer request, Modems will ALSO
be disabled since the
'3G wireless card instantiate as modems.
'*************** Global Varialbles
set WshShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
Dim strStartMenu