ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 72
Setting the Upgrade Switch
Step 1: Open the new installation package for the ZSC and right-click setup.exe.
Step 2: Select Create Shortcut.
Step 3: Right-click the shortcut and select Properties.
Step 4: At the end of the Target field, after the quotes, click the space bar once to enter a space,
then type /V“STUPGRADE=1”
Example: “C:\Documents and Settings\euser\Desktop\CL-Release-3.2.455\setup.exe” /V“STUPGRADE=1”.
Step 5: Click OK.
Step 6: Double-click the shortcut to lauch the upgrade installer.
Running the ZSC
The ZSC will run automatically at system startup. For user operation of the ZSC, see the ZSC
User's Manual.
The User's Manual can be distributed to all users to help them better understand the operation of
their new notebook security software.
Multiple User Support
For machines that have multiple users logging onto them, each user account will have its own,
separate Novell environment - the users can have separate policies and saved network
environments. Each account will need to login to the Management Service separately to receive
its credential in order to download its published policy.
In a case where a user either can't or refuses to login, they will get the initial policy that was
included at ZSC installation. This helps discourage a user from creating a different account to
avoid policy restrictions.
Since only one policy can be enforced at a time, Microsoft's "Fast User Switching" (FUS) is not
supported. The ZSC turns off FUS at installation.
For an unmanaged client, the first policy that is pushed to one of the users will be applied to all
users until the other users drop in their policies.
The users on a single computer must all be managed or unmanaged. If managed, all the users
must use the same Management and Policy Distribution Service.
Machine-Based Policies
The option for using machine-based, rather than user-based policies is set at ZSC installation (see
the ESM Installation and Quick-Start Guide for details). When selected, the machine will be
assigned the policy from the Management Service, and that policy will be applied to ALL users
who log-on to that machine. Users who have a policy assigned to them for use on another machine
will not have that policy transfer over when they log-on to a machine with a machine-based
policy. Rather, the computer-based policy will be enforced.