ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 214
Server Communication Checks
Figure 104 : Communications Console
The Communications Console is an initialization and reset utility. The utility will first be run
when installing the product. It initializes the Distribution Service with files encrypted and signed
by the Management Service. Additionally it allows you to optionally configure a Windows NT or
Windows 2000 Active Directory for authentication. Rerunning the Communications Console
(Start/Programs/Novell/Management Service/ESM Communications Console) will cause you
to lose user and log data, however, Policy data will not be deleted.
The Communications Console exercises a majority of the communication requirements for a
managed installation and is an excellent last resort tool for resetting and/or diagnosing server
communication issues.
If one of the test fails (the check is not marked), mouse over the item to receive instructions on
items to check to remedy the situation. Check the Pause Configuration Validation to pause the
timer, which will retry the tests every ten seconds.
The test items are as follows:
• Configuration File Valid
This test verifies that the Novell Management Service Installer has received the con-
figuration information entered during installation. If the installation information pro-
vided was invalid, or the installation did not successfully communicate the settings to
the installer, the Configuration File Valid test will fail.
• Schema Exists
This test verifies that the policy schema is available for publishing to the ESM Distri-