ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 136
Antivirus/Spyware Rules
Antivirus/spyware Rules verify that designated antivirus or spyware software on the endpoint is
running and up to date. Tests are run to determine if the software is running and if the version is
up-to-date. Success in both checks will allow switching to any defined locations. Failure of either
test could result in any or all of the following actions (defined by the Administrator):
• A report is sent to the Reporting Service
• A custom user message is displayed, with an optional launch link which provides
information on how to fix the rule violation
• The user is switched to a Quarantined State, which limits the user's network access
and/or disallows certain programs from accessing the network, which prevents the
user from further infecting the network
Once endpoints are determined compliant by a follow-up test, security settings automatically
return to their original state.
This feature is only available in the ESM installation, and cannot be used for UWS security policies.
To access this control, open the Integrity and Remediation Rules and click the Antivirus/
Spyware Rules icon in the policy tree on the left.
Figure 94 : Antivirus/Spyware Integrity rules