
ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 84
Policy Toolbar
The policy toolbar (see Figure 59) provides four controls. The Save control is available
throughout policy creation, while the component controls are only available under the Locations
and Integrity tabs.
Figure 59 : Policy Toolbar
Explanations of the tools are provided below:
Save - Saves the policy in its current state
As you complete each component subset, it is HIGHLY recommended you click the Save icon on the
Policy toolbar. If incomplete or incorrect data is entered into a component, the error notification screen will
display - see “Error Notification” on page 86 for more details.
New Component - Creates a new component in a Location or Integrity subset. Once
the policy is saved, a new component is available to associate in other policies
Associate Component - This control opens the Select Component screen for the cur-
rent subset (see Figure 60). The available components include any pre-defined compo-
nents included at installation, and all components created in other policies.
Figure 60 : Select Component Window