
ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 50
may also be a member of an organization unit or security groups. Each row represents a
relationship of organization units.
The data source will need to be defined to the reporting tool, typically for most third-party
applications the following steps may be followed:
Step 1: Define an OLEDB ADO connection to the server hosting the Management Service
Step 2: Select the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Step 3: Enter the Management Service server as the server
Step 4: Enter the SQL account name and password
Step 5: Enter the Reporting Service database name (default name is STRSDB) as the database
The following views are available for report generation:
EVENT_ACCESSPOINT_FACT_VW: This view describes the access points observed by user,
day, policy, location and access point instance.
EVENT_BLOCKEDPACKETS_FACT_VW: This view describes the summarized instances of
port activity that was blocked due to policy configuration by the endpoint. The information is
logged user, day, policy, location and source/destination ip/port.
EVENT_CLIENTACTIVITY_FACT_VW: This view describes the summarized instances of port
activity at the endpoint. The information is logged user, day, policy, location and device.
EVENT_CLIENTAPPLICATIONS_FACT_VW: This view describes the summarized instances
of application use (duration) by user, day, policy, location and application.
EVENT_CLIENTDEFENSE_HACK_FACT_VW: This view describes the instances of hack
attempts against the endpoint client. Active users, applications and services are included within
the report. The data is grouped by user, day, policy, location and attack result.
EVENT_CLIENTDEFENSE_OVERRIDES_FACT_VW: This view describes the instances of
policy override and the affected devices. The data is grouped by user, day, policy, location and
override type.
EVENT_CLIENTDEFENSE_UNINSTALL_FACT_VW: This view describes the instances of
attempts to remove the endpoint client. The data is grouped by user, day, policy, location and
attack result.
EVENT_CLIENTDEVICE_FACT_VW: This view describes the types of devices in use by an
endpoint. The data is grouped by user, day, policy, location and device type.
EVENT_CLIENTENVIRONMENTS_FACT_VW: This view describes the custom (stamped)
network environments used for location detection. The data is grouped by user, day, policy,
location, device type and environment data.
EVENT_CLIENTINTEGRITY_FACT_VW: This view describes the results of integrity rules
applied at the endpoint. The data is grouped by user, day, policy, location and rule.
EVENT_CLIENTLOCATION_FACT_VW: This view describes the time at location as well as
adapter (configuration and type) used at the location. The data is grouped by user, day, policy and