
ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 70
ZENworks Security Client Management
ESM utilizes an installed client application to enforce
complete security on the endpoint itself. This ZENworks
Security Client (ZSC) protects client data by determining
in real-time the network location of the endpoint, and
based on that location:
Implements policy-based filtering of all incom-
ing and outgoing traffic
Implements policy-based control over hard-
ware use (such as that of WLAN access points,
removable media and network adapters)
Validates anti-virus software status
Collects security-centric statistics and event traps, and passing that information to cen-
tralized servers for collation and analysis; and
Launches nominated applications in policy-defined situations (for example, the policy
is set that in a certain location a VPN program must be used to access the network, that
program is launched by the ZSC)
If the network environment is not recognized, the ZSC sets the location to a default Unknown
location, and applies the Unknown security policy. Security policies are completely configurable
by the ESM Administrator (see Chapter 7). For ZSC operating instructions, see the ESM
ZENworks Security Client User's Guide.
All ZSC security functionality is determined by the security policy.
Prior to Installing the ZENworks Security Client
It is recommended ALL anti-virus software be shut down during the installation of the
ZENworks Security Client.
Verify all Microsoft security patches and updates are current.
For installation instructions, please see the Installation and Quick Start Guide provided with this
To uninstall the ZENworks Security Client, go to start\programs\Novell\ZENworks Security
Client\uninstall ZENworks Security Client.
You can optionally uninstall by:
1. Running setup.exe with /V”STUNINSTALL=1”
2. Running the following command: msiexec.exe /X {C1773AE3-3A47-48EB-9338-