
ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 215
bution Service. If this test fails, the file is missing or an incorrect path may have been
specified by the Management Service Install.
Database Exists
This test verifies that the Management Service can successfully communicate with the
Management Service database and that the database has been populated. If this test
failed, communication with the database host may have failed or the account settings
used to connect may be incorrect
Setup ID Configured
This test verifies that the Setup Id generated by the Novell Distribution Service was
appropriately written to the Management Service database. If this test fails, the instal-
lation process may have been unable to read or write the setting to the Management
Service database.
Schema ID Configured
This test verifies that the unique Novell Distribution Service assigned schema identi-
fier was written to the Management Service database. If this test fails, the installation
process may have been unable to read or write the setting to the Management Service
Schema Key ID Configured
This test verifies that the unique Novell Distribution Service assigned schema encryp-
tion key identifier was written to the Management Service database. If this test fails,
the installation process may have been unable to read or write the setting to the Man-
agement Service database.
Communication Configured
This test verifies that the Management Service has been configured to communicate
with the Distribution Service. If this test fails, the installation process may have been
unable to specify the location within the Management Service Installer configuration.
Management Key Written
This test verifies that the unique encryption key used for information security was
written to the Management Service database successfully. If this test failed, communi-
cation with the database host may have failed or the account settings used to connect
may be incorrect.
Registered with Distribution Service
This test verifies that the Management Service can communicate and establish a
secure session identity for policy management. If this test fails, the Management Ser-
vice may be unable to communicate with the Distribution Service, the SSL certificate
may not be trusted, or the Setup Id may be incorrect.
Initialize the Distribution Service data
This test verifies that the Management Service was able to save the policy schema to
the Distribution Service using the assigned Management Service account. If this test
fails the installation may have not successfully configured encryption, or the Distribu-
tion Service may be unavailable