
ZENworks® ESM 3.5 Administrator’s Manual 210
Exporting Policies to Unmanaged Users
If Unmanaged ZENworks Security Clients have been deployed within the enterprise, a Stand-
Alone Management Console MUST be installed to create their policies (see the ESM Installation
and Quick Start Guide for installation instructions).
To distribute unmanaged polices, perform the following steps:
Step 1: Locate and copy the Management Console's setup.sen file to a separate folder.
The setup.sen file is generated at installation of the Management Console, and placed in
\Program Files\Novell\ESM Management Console\
Step 2: Create a policy in the Management Console (see Administrator’s Manual)
Step 3: Use the Export command to export the policy to the same folder containing the setup.sen
All policies distributed MUST be named policy.sen for the ZSC to accept them.
Step 4: Distribute the policy.sen and setup.sen files. These files MUST be copied to the \
Files\Novell\ZENworks Security Client\
directory for all unmanaged clients.
The Setup.sen file only needs to be copied to the unmanaged ZSCs once, with the first policy.
Afterwards, only new policies need to be distributed.