8.2 Station List
The station list provides for storage of up to 50 stations, one frequency pair (RX and TX) per
station. For stations which have more than one frequency pair, you might add a suffix to the
station name to denote multiple frequency pairs. For example, station name FURUNO
followed by –1, -2, -3, etc. for each frequency pair required.
8.2.1 Registering stations
1. Press the function key F5 followed by the 1 key to show the Station Entry screen.
Station Entry
Station List
Station Set Up
Station : _
ID Code :
Mode : ARQ FEC
CH/Table : Channel ScanTable
Station entry screen
On the right-hand side of the screen, Create and Change are shown.
2. Create should be underlined. If it is not, underline it by pressing →, ↑ and the Enter key.
3. The cursor is now choosing Station. Enter station name, using up to 18 characters.
4. Press the ↓ key to choose ID Code. Enter station ID code.
5. Press the ↓ key to choose Mode. Choose communication mode with ← or → among the
ARQ: Automatic Retransmission Request
FEC: Forward Error Correction
6. Press the ↓ key to choose CH/Table. Choose Channel or ScanTable as appropriate.
7. Press the ↓ key to choose Num/Table.