Page 120 Application-Specific Tasks
■ Hide Floating and Done Items. Removes floating events and completed
To Do items from the Year View display.
■ Hide Untimed Events. Removes untimed events from the Year View
■ Hide Zero Duration Events. Removes events without a duration from
the Year View display.
■ Hide Events <. Removes events that are shorter than the time you
specify from the Year View display. The choices are 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, and
■ Hide Daily Repeating Events. Removes events that repeat daily from
the Year View display.
List View
■ Date Book. Determines which type of events appear in the List View
display. The choices are: Appt, Float, Done, Alarms Only, and Repeat
events only appear once.
■ To Do. Determines which type of To Do items appear in the List View
display. The choices are All, Not Complete, Complete, and None. If you
choose either Not Complete or Complete, you also have the following
choices: Dated & Undated, Dated only, and Undated only.
■ Filter by Text. Displays events that contain the text you enter in this field
and hides events that do not contain this text.
■ Show. Determines the type of information that will appear for each
event. The choices are Day Name and Time.
About Date
Shows version information for Date Book Plus.