
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.
Tip: If you do not specify
a password when initially
connecting to the remote
mailbox, a dialog opens.
Type in the password and
press OK.
2 Press Retrieve mail.
3 When the connection to the remote mailbox has been established, press the
Menu key and select Retrieve > New or Selected or All mail.
4 When all the mail you have requested is retrieved, press Go offline.
Note: Pressing Go offline does not necessarily disconnect the phone, if there
are other applications open that use the connection. Press the Menu key
and select File > Disconnect to hang up.
To subscribe and unsubscribe to remote mailbox folders
If your remote mailbox is of IMAP4 standard, you can edit and synchronise remote
inbox folders in your communicator. To do this, you need to subscribe to the folders
and make them visible in your communicator.
Tip: To create new folders
in your remote mailbox, go
online, press the Menu key
and select File > Folder. You
can now choose whether to
Create new folder or
Rename folder.
1 Go online.
2 Press the Menu key and select Receive > Folder subscriptions. A list of folders in
the remote mailbox opens.
3 Select the folder.
4 Press Subscribe. If you have already subscribed to the folder, press Unsubscribe
to cancel the subscription.
5 Press Go offline and Go online to include the new subscribed folders in the list.
To read mail
You can read, reply to and forward mail in the mail viewer.
To read received messages, select the message in the Inbox and press Open.
The mail viewer shows the message in a read-only state, which means that you
cannot edit it or the attachments linked to it.