
©2001 Nokia Mobile Phones. All rights reserved.
General information
As a short message - You can send the document as a short message.
Via infrared - You can send the document via infrared.
Note: When you open a document, the document is opened in the appropriate
editor or viewer. The commands vary according to the editor/viewer.
To search for text
You can search for text strings in the applications where this function is available
on the Menu list.
1 Press the Menu key and select Edit > Find. A dialog opens.
2 Type the text string in the search field and press Find.
3 Once a text string match is found, it is highlighted.
To find out if there are more of the same text strings in the document, press
Find next.
4 To redefine the search, press Options. A dialog opens where you can define
options of Case sensitive or Match whole word.
To replace text
1 Select a piece of text, press the Menu key, and select Edit > Find. Or,
search for a text string with the Find function explained above, and press
Replace. A dialog opens.
2 Type the text string in Replace with: field.
3 To replace all the matching text strings in the document, press Options. A
dialog opens; select Yes.