
Chapter 4 Using the Nokia Point & Find Client Application
Browse saved worlds and select a world to explore
1. Use the navigation key to scroll to the top of the interface to the
World Carousel and browse the icons of your saved Nokia Point &
Find worlds.
2. Select a world to explore by highlighting its icon and pressing the
center (select) key.
Add/Remove world function
Use the “Add/Remove” world function to add worlds to your World
Carousel, or to remove them.
1. Move through the icons of the World Carousel at the top of the in-
terface (using the scroll keys) and select the Add/Remove World
2. To add a world, enter the name of the world you want to add,
making sure the name is spelled exactly. Then select it by pressing
the center key. You can also select a world from the directory if the
world has been added to the add/remove directory list...