
VAR Training Manual
and Reference Guide
Manage Tags options
(See screen shot on opposite page.)
World selection
At the top of the page (below the navigation toolbar), is the world
selection dropdown menu, which lets you quickly select to work with
any of your worlds.
View tags by region
Below the world selection menu is the View tags by region drop-
down menu. This function enables you to view tags created with
country-specic settings. This selection only provides options when
the tag location setting has been set to country prior to tagging
and you select location dependent when creating your Directories.
Tag search box
Below View tags by region is the tag search box, which is used to
search your tags’ labels. Type in a search term and click the Search
button and you’ll see only the tags that include the search term text
in their labels. Click the Clear button to unconstrain the search re-
sults and display all your tags again.
Time-based search lter
Below the tag search box is the time-based search lter. This func-
tion allows you to search for tags created over particular days, and
specic hours. This can be particularly useful if you were, for example,
looking for all the tags you created last Thursday morning.
To search by date/time, enter “from” and “to” dates in the date
elds, and select “from“ and “to” times in the time dropdown
menus, then click the Search button. Click the Clear button to un-
constrain the search results and display all your tags again.
More options...
We’ll cover managing tags in the tag list, adding actions to tags
using the PX Parameters, and the Split, Delete, Export and Select
All buttons in detail on the next few pages.
About Tags
Nokia Point & Find uses tags to
identify the real life objects and
what a user sees and experi-
ences when objects are identi-
the web links and other calls to
action associated with them.
Tags are created using the Nokia
Point & Find client application
on an enabled mobile device.
Tags are managed and actions
For more background informa-
tion on tags, see page 3.7, “Es-
sential terms and concepts.”
For information on creating tags
using the client application, see
chapter 7.