
Chapter 6 Publishing Worlds with the Management Portal
Create New World
World Names
Your world name can include
letters and/or numbers or
a combination of the two,
with a limit of 20 characters.
Similar to web site addresses
(domains), the best names for
worlds are short, simple, and
easy to remember – the best
world names will be registered
and will become valuable as-
sets as the Nokia Point & Find
community grows.
After registering and signing in for the rst time, you will be at the
Create New World screen where you are asked to enter a name for
your new world...
Create and name a world
1. Choose a name for your world and type it in exactly as you want
it to appear in the Nokia Point & Find client when people are
exploring your world. Once created, a world name cannot be
changed, so choose your world names carefully!
2. Click the submit button. If you selected a name that has already
been taken, you will be prompted to enter another name.
3. Once your world name is veried, the Billing Information page
is launched (see opposite page). After reviewing the options for
each account type, select a package by clicking the associated
radio button.
Create New World page
In the Management Portal