Nokia NSERIES Cell Phone User Manual

Chapter 6 Publishing Worlds with the Management Portal
Collaborators Access Level options
In the Access Rights panel
Number of collaborators
currently assigned to
each access level
Collaborators access level
List of current
Collaborator Lists
Your collaborator list will
generally grow over time. The
numbers below each role in
the panel displays the num-
ber of each role that is avail-
able with your current pricing
a certain number of each role
to be allocated.
Access Rights (continued)
Collaborators Access Level
Use this control panel (see screen shot, above) to easily edit the
access levels of your world’s collaborators, and monitor the num-
ber of collaborators available in that world.
New collaborators start, by default, with no account access. You
then can modify access levels up from there. Collaborators can be
set as Viewers, Authors, Editors, Publishers, or with No Access.
To change a collaborator’s access level, select the new role (radio
button) you want the collaborator to have and click the Update
button. There’s also a Delete button, which takes a collaborator
off the list. It’s very easy to take people off the collaborator list
and add them back as you wish.
If you have allocated all of your account plan’s collaborator roles
and you want more, you need to upgrade your account plan.
Upgrade by going to myWorlds and select Upgrade World from
the bottom of the screen. This will take you to the account selec-
tion and billing page.