Palm 650 Cell Phone User Manual

Index :: 207
passwords 152
playlists 117
screen fonts 143
character searches 123
charge indicators 37
chatting 81
alarm tones 106
applications 133, 134
home city 118
music 115
ringtones 138
text on web pages 89
web links 84, 85
city information 118, 119, 148
City pick list 118, 119
Clear Cache button 90
Clear Cookies button 90
clock 118, 148
color preferences 144
color-coding events 102
command buttons, accessing 20
completed tasks 107, 109, 110
completion dates 110
components of Treo 650 smartphone 3, 7
Compress Day View check box 105
compressed files 128
downloading applications to 128
synchronizing with 31
transferring music from 112–113
conduits 101
conference calls 49
conflicting events 105
Connect command 90
to trusted devices 56
to virtual private networks 156–157
to websites 84, 86, 90
with Bluetooth 56
constants 121
adding 98
deleting 99
dialing calls by contact names 39
editing 99
looking up 122
marking as private 98
searching for 156
synchronizing 31
viewing list details from phone 40
Contacts application 98
Contacts list 122
continuous playback 115
conversions (calculator) 121
converting music files 112
cookies 89, 90
Copy command 88, 134
Copy To pick list 134
applications 134
text 88
corporate accounts 156
application categories 145
bookmarks 85
business cards 99
caller ID photos 98, 140
city information 119, 148
contact information 98
events 100, 102
memos 111
passwords 153, 155
playlists 116
private entries 155
tasks 107
current date and time 118, 119
current event, displaying in Main View of Phone
Current Privacy pick list 155, 156
Customer support 192
applications 145–146
buttons 147
calendar 104–105
camera settings 95
date and time settings 148
email setting with VersaMail 74
favorite buttons 53
messaging settings 81
smartphone 137
system sounds 142
tasks 110
web browser 89–90
Daily Repeating Events check box 105
daily schedules 100
marking as private 155
protecting 153
receiving over Bluetooth 59
searching for 122
sending over Bluetooth 58
storing 132
synchronizing 31
date formats 149
date preferences 148
changing event 103
defining due 108
displaying 100, 107, 118
setting 118, 148
showing due 110
Day View 100, 105
Daylight Savings Time setting 148
decimal display formats (calculator) 121
decimal points 149
default settings 147 Page 207 Monday, June 13, 2005 1:33 PM