My Files
Add shortcut: Add a shortcut to the current
location on either a Home screen or the MyFiles
main screen. This option only appears in Local
Storage categories.
Settings: Change the settings for viewing files.
Options for Selected Files and Folders
► Tap More options > Select, select a file or
folder, and then use one of these functions:
Share via: Send files to others or share
Delete: Delete files or folders.
► Tap
More options for additional options:
Move: Move files or folders to another folder.
Copy: Copy files or folders to another folder
Rename: Rename a file or folder. This option
only appears when just one file or folder is
Add shortcut on Home screen: Add a shortcut
to the file or folder on a Home screen.
Zip: Create a zip folder containing the selected
files. This option only appears in Local Storage
categories. A selected zip folder has the
additional options of Extract and Extract to
current folder.
Details: View details of the selected file(s) or