
©2001 R11.01
Proper mixing of the “A” and “B” component chemicals in the correct propor-
tions is important in producing foam. Foams produced with an improper propor-
tion of “A” to “B” chemical can in some cases affect foam properties.
When and how often should the A:B ratio be checked?
•At the beginning of the workday.
•When a new cylinder of “A” or “B” component is installed.
•When a new cylinder of nitrogen is installed.
•About halfway through the normal workday.
•When the temperature in the work area increases or decreases by more
than 10 degrees. If the temperature of the chemicals changes, the viscosity
of the chemicals changes. This viscosity change can have an effect on the
A:B ratio.
•If a noticable change takes place in the foam being produced.
•After any restriction in the chemical flow is removed, for example cleaning
the filters or the ports in the mixing cartridge in the F1000 will likely
increase the flow of chemical which in turn may change the A:B ratio.
•When a new mixing cartridge is installed.
1 | Make sure that the F1000 dispenser is correctly installed to the chemical
cylinders, nitrogen cylinders, and compressed air supply as described in the
Startup procedures above. Check all hose connections to be sure that there are
no leaks. Make sure the air injection on/off valve is closed. For calibration,
remove the plastic nozzle.
(See diagram 13A)(See diagram 13A)
(See diagram 13A)(See diagram 13A)
(See diagram 13A)
2 | Place a 32oz paper cup on a scale, and tare the scale to read zero.
3 | Open the "A" (red) chemical valve and close the "B" chemical (blue) valve on
the F1000 dispenser.
(See diagram 13B)(See diagram 13B)
(See diagram 13B)(See diagram 13B)
(See diagram 13B)
4 | Using a stop watch, or optional timer, trigger the F1000 dispenser for exactly
3 seconds, directing the flow of the "A" chemical into the paper cup on the
scale. Record the weight of "A" chemical dispensed.
5 | Critical Step- Purging the mix cartridge: After measuring the weight of
the dispensed "A" chemical in step 4, open the both "B" chemical (blue) valve
and the "A" chemical (red) valve on the F1000 dispenser.
(See diagram 13B)(See diagram 13B)
(See diagram 13B)(See diagram 13B)
(See diagram 13B)
Then, while directing the flow of the dispenser into a trash can, trigger the
F1000 dispenser for a few seconds to dispense a mixture of "A" and "B" chemi-
cals into the trash can. This step is important because it will reduce plugging of
the mix cartridge.
Calibration ofCalibration of
Calibration ofCalibration of
Calibration of
A:B ratio:A:B ratio:
A:B ratio:A:B ratio:
A:B ratio: