©2001 R11.01
Check VCheck V
Check VCheck V
Check V
Assembly ServiceAssembly Service
Assembly ServiceAssembly Service
Assembly Service
The Hose Connection Fittings (D507) that connect the “A Chemical and “B” Chemi-
cal hoses to the Carrier (D501) contain check valve mechanisms. These mechanisms
can be affected by particulate matter, or can get clogged by chemicals that may
have gelled in the check valve.
To service either of these valves:
The pressure on the Chemical Flow System must be relieved prior to performing
this procedure.
1 | Disconnect the chemical hose from the Hose Connection Fitting (D507).
Have some paper towels handy to catch any chemical that may drain from the
hose. (See Diagram 45A)
2 | Using a wrench, remove the Hose Connection Fitting (D507) from the Carrier
(D501). (See Diagram 45B)
3 | From the back side of the Hose Connection Fitting (D507), remove the Check
Spring (D508) and the Check Ball (D509). If they are stuck you may have to
push them out with a punch or similar tool.
4 | Thorougly clean the Check Ball, Check Spring, Hose Connection Fitting, and
the opening in the Carrier that the Hose Connection Fitting threads into with
solvent. You may have to scrape off any crystallized material.
5 | There is a O Ring (D408) on the Hose Connection Fitting (D507) to seal it
against the Carrier. Replace this O Ring when servicing the check valve. (See
Diagram 45B)
6 | Re-insert the Check Ball (D509) and Check Spring (D508) into the Hose
Connection Fitting.
7 | Thread the Hose Connection Fitting (D507) containing the Check Valve
Mechanism into the Carrier (D501) and tighten.
8 | Reconnect the chemical hose to the Hose Connection Fitting (D507) and