190-00357-00 Rev C
Nearest Airspaces
To view and quickly tune the frequency for a
controlling agency:
1. Follow steps #1 through #4 on the previous
page to display the Airspace Information
Page for the desired controlled or special use
Airspace Name
“Done?” Field
(return to
previous page)
Status and
Time to Entry
“View Frequencies?”
Field (display
Frequency Page)
Floor/Ceiling Limits
2. Turn the large right knob to highlight “View
Frequencies?” and press ENT.
Highlight “View Frequencies?” and press ENT
to display the communication frequency(s)
for the controlling agency.
3. Turn the large right knob to scroll through
the list, highlighting the desired frequency.
Turn the large right knob to select the
desired frequency. Press ENT to place the
frequency on standby.
4. Press ENT to place the selected frequency in
the standby field of the COM window.
5. Press the COM flip-flop key to activate the
selected frequency.
6. To return to the Airspace Information Page, turn
the large right knob to highlight “Done?”
and press ENT (or press CLR).
7. To return to the Nearest Airspace Page, turn
the large right knob to highlight “Done?”
and press ENT (or press CLR).
8. Press the small right knob to remove the
flashing cursor.