190-00357-00 Rev C
Section 12
Messages, Abbreviations,
& Nav Terms
The 500W-series unit uses a flashing “MSG” annun-
ciator at the bottom of the screen (directly above the MSG
key) to alert you of any important information or warnings.
While most messages are advisory in nature, warning mes-
sages may require your intervention. Whenever the “MSG”
annunciator flashes, press the MSG key to display the
message, when pilot workload allows. Press MSG again to
return to the previous page.
The following is a list of available messages and their mean-
ABORT APPROACH — Loss of Navigation — Execute
missed approach using other navigation equipment.
Airport terrain database integrity error — The 500W-
series unit has detected a problem with a database on the
TAWS/Terrain data card. The message “<database name>
database integrity error” indicates the data base in error.
The data is not usable and the card should be returned to
your Garmin dealer.
Airspace ahead — less than 10 minutes — Your GPS-
calculated course is projected to enter a special use airspace
within 10 minutes. This message is automatically disabled
within 30 nautical miles of an arrival airport, when an
approach is loaded.
Airspace near and ahead — Your GPS-calculated posi-
tion is within 2 nautical miles of the boundary of a special
use airspace and your course is projected to enter the
airspace within 10 minutes. This message is automatically
disabled within 30 nautical miles of an arrival airport, when
an approach is loaded.
All data referenced to True North — the unit’s Heading
Approach downgraded — Use LNAV minima — This
message will occur 60 seconds prior to the FAF if flying
parameters have fallen below minimal limits. As a result,
Approach is not active — The approach could not transi-
tion to “active”, at 2 nautical miles or closer to the FAF.
OBS key, indicating the auto waypoint sequencing is sus-
pended. This message also appears if Receiver Autonomous
Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) has determined that sufficient
flight you are currently in (along with a “RAIM not available
from FAF to MAP” message).
Approaching target altitude — The current GPS-com-
tion target altitude.
Approaching VNAV profile — You are within one minute
APR Guidance Available - Use PROC before A/P APR
— For units configured with the KAP140 or KFC225
autopilot, this message reminds pilots, when they turn
on course to the FAF, that they need to enable autopilot
outputs (by pressing PROC and selecting “Enable A/P APR
Outputs?”) before switching the autopilot control panel to
Arrival at waypoint [waypoint name] — You are within
the arrival alarm circle for the indicated waypoint. The size
menu option on the Setup Page.
Audio database integrity error — The 500W-series unit
base. TAWS audio alerts are not available. The unit should
be returned to your Garmin dealer for service.