
190-00357-00 Rev C
13. As you cross the MAP, “SUSP” appears
above the OBS key, indicating that automatic
sequencing of approach waypoints is sus-
pended at the MAP. A “from” indication is
displayed on the CDI and Default NAV Page,
but course guidance along the final approach
course continues. If a missed approach is
required, use the OBS key to initiate the missed
approach sequence, as outlined on the follow-
ing page.
NOTE: Once you cross the FAF, the Map Page displays
the final course segment in magenta (the active leg
of the flight plan always appears in magenta) and a
dashed line extends the course beyond the missed
approach point (MAP). The dashed line is provided for
situational awareness only and should NOT be used
for navigation. Please, follow the published missed
approach procedures.
As you cross the missed approach point, “SUSP” appears on-
screen above the OBS key.
Flying the Missed Approach
After you pass the MAP, if the runway isn’t in
sight you must execute a missed approach. The
500W-series unit continues to give guidance along an
extension of the final course segment (FAF to MAP)
until you manually initiate the missed approach
procedure (as mentioned previously in reference to the
“SUSP” advisory). The OBS key is used to initiate the
missed approach, as follows:
NOTE: It is the pilot’s responsibility for initial missed
approach guidance in accordance with published pro-
cedure. The unit may not provide correct guidance until
established on a defined leg.
1. After commencing the published missed
approach procedure, and after the SUSP
annunciator has appeared, press the OBS key
to sequence to the first waypoint in the missed
approach procedure. This will simultaneously
result in several changes:
a. SUSP annunciation will extinguish.
b. The first waypoint in the missed approach
procedure will be sequenced.
c. The current approach annunciation (LPV,
L/NAV, LNAV+V or LNAV) will be replaced
with either MAPR or TERM, depending
Missed Approach