
190-00357-00 Rev C
on the design of the approach. Normally,
MAPR will be annunciated for missed
approach procedures in which the first leg
is a climb straight ahead to a waypoint,
whereas TERM will be annunciated for
missed approach procedures requiring a
d. CDI scaling will change to ±0.3 NM full
scale deflection if MAPR is annunciated,
or ±1.0 NM if TERM is annunciated.
e. The “FROM” indicator will change to a
“TO” indication.
2. If you press the OBS key a second time, the
missed approach holding point (MAHP; in this
case “SWARM” intersection) is automatically
offered as the destination waypoint.
NOTE: In some cases, an additional hold waypoint
is added to the missed approach sequence. This ad-
ditional waypoint is used as an aid in establishing
the holding pattern — especially where the MAP and
MAHP are the same waypoint.
3. An alert message in the lower right hand corner
of the screen recommends entry procedures for
the holding pattern. As you fly the holding pat-
tern, the timer in the lower right corner of the
Default NAV Page automatically resets on the
outbound side of the hold when you are abeam
the hold waypoint. The timer again resets as
you turn inbound (within approximately 30°
of the inbound course). This allows you to use
standard timing (typically one minute) to fly
the inbound and outbound legs of the hold.
An alert message in the lower right hand corner recommends
entry procedures for the holding pattern.
4. The 500W-series unit provides course guid-
ance only on the inbound side of the holding
pattern. Roll steering is provided to aircraft
with compatible autopilots. When leaving
the holding pattern to re-fly the approach
(or another approach) press the PROC key to
“Select Approach?” or “Activate Approach?”
as previously described. (Or, use the direct-to
key to select another destination.)
Approach with Hold