190-00357-00 Rev C
5. The flashing cursor moves to the total air tem-
perature (TAT) field. Use the small and large
right knobs to enter the temperature. Press
ENT when finished.
Use the small and large right knobs to enter
the total air temperature (TAT). TAT is the
temperature, including the heating effect
of speed, read on an outside temperature
6. The flashing cursor moves to the aircraft head-
ing (HDG) field. Use the small and large right
knobs to enter the aircraft heading from the
directional gyro or compass. Press ENT when
7. With all variables entered, the following infor-
mation is provided:
• DENALT—Densityaltitude
• TAS—Trueairspeed
• WIND—Winddirectionandspeed
• HEAD/TAILWIND—Magnitudeofhead
wind or tail wind component
NOTE: If your installation includes components
(such as an air/data sensor) to provide any of
the variables above, the Density Alt / TAS / Winds
Page data defaults to the values provided by
these components.
To enter a scheduled message:
1. Select “Scheduler” from the Flight Planning
2. The flashing cursor highlights the first message
field. If necessary, turn the large right knob
to highlight the first blank message field.
3. Use the small and large right knobs to enter
the message text. Press ENT when finished.
(The 500W-series
stores up to nine sched-
uled messages holding 20 characters each.)
4. The flashing cursor moves to the type field
under the new message. Turn the small right
knob to display a window of available options:
Event, One Time or Periodic. Press ENT to select
the highlighted option.
Turn the small right knob to select the
desired message type. One Time and Periodic
messages appear when the time expires.
Event-based messages expire at a specified
time and date.
5. The flashing cursor moves to the time (or date)
field. Use the small and large right knobs
to set the time (or date) required before the
message is displayed. Time is entered as hours/
minutes/seconds (hhh:mm:ss). Event-based
messages expire at a specified date and time.
Press ENT when finished entering time (or
Flight Planning