
190-00357-00 Rev C
the “Cross-Side” field, then turn the small
right knob to select “To” or “From”. Press
ENT to confirm the selection.
7. Turn the large right knob to highlight “Initi-
ate Transfer?” and press ENT to transfer the
selected data.
Once “Initiate Transfer?” is selected, a progress bar at the
bottom of the page indicates the status of the crossfill transfer
until completed.
Copying Flight Plans
Copy Flight Plan? allows you to copy the selected
flight plan to a new flight plan location. The copy
function is useful for duplicating an existing flight plan
before making changes.
If you wish to save a flight plan currently located
in “flight plan 00”, copy it to an open catalog location
(1-19) before the flight plan is cancelled, overwritten
or erased.
Use the “Copy Flight Plan?” option to save
a copy of a flight plan to another memory
location. This is useful for saving the active
flight plan, or to save a stored flight plan
before editing.
NOTE: Once a flight plan is activated, it is copied to
“flight plan 00” and overwrites the previous contents
of the flight plan memory location.
To copy a flight plan to another Flight Plan Cata-
log location:
1a. From the Active Flight Plan Page: press MENU
to display the Active Flight Plan Options
1b. From the Flight Plan Catalog: press the small
right knob to activate the cursor, turn the
large right knob to highlight the flight plan
you wish to copy, then press MENU to display
the Flight Plan Catalog Options.
2. Turn the large right knob to highlight “Copy
Flight Plan?” and press ENT.
3. By default, the next empty catalog location
is offered. To select a different location, turn
the large right knob to select the flight plan
number, use the small and large right knobs
to enter a different number and press ENT.
4. With “Yes?” highlighted, press ENT to copy
the flight plan.
Flight Plan Catalog Options