10 - VNAV
190-00357-00 Rev C
8. The default profile utilizes a 400 foot-per-
minute descent rate. To change the rate, turn
the large right knob to highlight the “VS
Profile” field and use the small and large
right knobs to enter a new rate. Press ENT
when finished.
The default profile is a 400 foot-per-minute
descent. Use the small and large right knobs
to enter a different vertical speed figure.
With the profile set, the vertical speed required
Expect the following to occur when using the vertical
navigation feature:
• Atoneminutepriortoreachingtheinitial
Profile” occurs. The descent angle also locks
to prevent changes in speed from altering the
• Ifselected,theverticalspeedrequired(VSR)
shows the desired vertical speed to maintain the
proper descent angle.
• CoursereversalsarenotincludedintheVNAV
calculations until the aircraft begins the course
direct-to the course reversal wayopint in the
• At500feetabovethetargetaltitude,an
“Approaching Target Altitude” message is pro-
Map Pages is blanked out, at this point.
off. (By default the messages are off.) Turning the mes-
sages off allows you to keep the profile settings you’ve
entered previously, without having them generate mes-
sages when the feature isn’t needed.
To disable/enable the vertical navigation (VNAV)
1. Press MENU to display the Vertical Navigation
Page Options menu.
2. With “VNAV Messages On?” highlighted, press
ENT. Or, if the messages are already on and
you wish to turn them off, make sure “VNAV
Messages Off?” is highlighted and press
Select “VNAV Messages On?” to display the
vertical navigation alert message.
To restore the factory default VNAV settings:
1. Press MENU to display the Vertical Navigation
Page Options menu.
2. Turn the large right knob to highlight
“Restore Defaults?” and press ENT.
VNAV Messages