Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 61
Repair Information
Workin aclean area, cleanlinessis extremelyimportant
when repairing hydraulic pumps. Before disconnecting
the lines, clean port areaof pump. Disconnect hydraulic
lines, removing pump assembly from vehicle and plug
ports. Thoroughly clean the outside of pump. After
cleaning then remove port plugs and drain oil.
Disassembly (Fig. 35)
1. Scribe a line, at an angle, across front plate (8), bo-
dies (2, 16, 25), adapter plates (20, 21) and backplate
(30). This will assure proper reassembly.
Note: To maintain maximum pump efficiency, keep
body, gears and wear plates for each section together.
DO NOT mix parts between different sections.
2. Clamp pump in vise, shaft end up.
3. Remove the eight cap screws (10).
4. Remove pump from vise, hold pump in hands and
bump shaft against wooden block to separate front
pump sections. Front body (2) will remain with either
front plate (8) or front adapter plate (20).
5. Place front idler gear (13) into gear pocket and tap
with soft face hammer until the front body separates.
Now remove idler gear from front plate or adapter plate.
6. Remove plug (7) from front plate.
7. Removefrontadapter plate(20) frombody by tapping
on the adapter plate with a plastic hammer or rawhide
8. Removeidlergear (18),slipfitgear (15),andkey (14).
9. Remove backplate (30) from body by tapping on
backplate with plastic hammer or rawhide mallet.
10. Removerearidler gear(24),slipfit gear(17)andkey
11. Remove drive gear assembly (3)from adapter plate.
12. Place rear idler gear assembly (24) back into gear
pocket and tap protruding end with soft face hammer to
remove rear body (25) from the backplate assembly or
the rear adapter plate.
13. Removethe wear plates(4) fromfrontplate (8),front
adapter plate (20), and rear adapter plate (21).
14. Remove O-rings (1) fromfront plate, adapterplates,
and backplate.
15. Remove backup gaskets (6) and balance pressure
seals (5) from front plate and adapter plates by prying
out with a sharp tool.
16. Remove shaft seal (11) and washer (12) from front
plate by prying with a screw driver.
17. Remove plug (23) and washer (22) from rear adapt-
er plate.
18. Remove relief valve (26) from backplate assembly.
19. Remove O-ring (29), backup washer (27), and O-
ring (28) from relief v alve.
Inspect Parts for Wear General
1. Clean and dry all parts.
2. Remove nicks and burrs from all parts with emery
Gear Assembly Inspection
1. Check spline drive shaft for twisted or broken teethor
check keyed drive shaft for broken or chipped keyway.
Alsocheck for broken keyway, on drive shaft, that drives
the slip fit gear of the rear pump.
2. Inspect both the drive gear and idler gear shafts at
bushing points andseal areafor rough surfaces andex-
cessive wear.
3. Replace gear assembly if shaft measures less than
.873 in. (22.17mm) in bushing area.
Note: One gear assembly may be replacedseparate-
ly; shafts and gears are available as assemblies only.
The slip fit gear is available separately.
4. Inspect gear face for scoring and excessive wear.
5. Replace gear assembly if gear width is below
1.181 in. (30.00 mm).
6. Assure that snap rings are in grooves on either side
of drive and idler gears.
7. If edge of gear teeth a re sharp, break edge with
emery cloth.