Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-DPage 3 - 16Kubota Diesel Engine
Air Filter
General Maintenance
1. Park machine on a level s urface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, engage parking brake, and remove key
from the ignition switch.
2. Release hood latch and open hood.
3. Check air cleaner, seals, and intake hose for dam-
age which could cause an air leak. Be sure the air clean-
er cover seals tightly around the air cleaner body.
Replace damaged air cleaner components as neces-
4. Service air cleaner filters whenever air cleaner indi-
cator shows red or periodically as recommended in the
maintenance schedules inChapter 2 - Product R ecords
and Maintenance (more frequently in extreme dusty or
dirty conditions). Do not over service air filter.
Service Air Cleaner
1. Releaselatchsecuringaircleanercover. Rotatecov-
er counterclockwise and remove cover from body.
Clean inside of the air cleaner cover.
2. Gently slide primary filter out of air cleaner body. To
reduce the amountof dust dislodged,avoid knockingfil-
ter against air cleaner body.
3. Remove the safety filter only if it is being replaced.
IMPORTANT: Do not clean the safety filter. Replace
the safety filter with a new one after every three pri-
mary filter services.
4. Inspect primary filter and discard if damaged. Do not
wash or reuse a damaged filter.
5. Clean primary filter.
A. Blow compressed air frominside to theoutside of
dry filterelement. Toprevent damage to theelement,
do not exceed 100 psi.
B. Keepair hosenozzle atleast 2inches (5cm) from
thefilter.Move nozzle up and downwhile rotating the
filter element. Inspect for holes and tears by looking
through the filter toward a bright light.
6. Check sealing end of filter. Do not install a damaged
7. Insertnew filterinto aircleaner body. Make sure filter
is sealed properly by applying pressure to outer rim of
filter when installing. Do not press on flexible center of
Figure 21
1. Indicator
2. Air Cleaner Latch
3. Dust Cap
Figure 22
1. Primary Filter
Figure 23
1. Safety Filter
8. Reinstall cover and secure latch. Reset indicator if
showing red.
9. Close hood and secure latch.