Rev. E
Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D SafetyPage 1 -- 3
Maintenance and Service
1. Before servicing or making adjustments, stop engine
and remove key from the switch.
2. When changing attachments, tires or performing oth-
er service, use the correct blocks, hoists and jacks. Al-
ways chock or block the wheels and use jack stands or
solid wood blocks to support the raised machine. If the
machine is not properly supported by blocks or jack
stands, the machine may move or fall, resulting in per-
sonal injury.
3. Make sure machine is in safe operating condition by
keeping all nuts, bolts and screws tight.
4. Make sure all hydraulic line connectors are tight, and
all hydraulic hoses and lines are in good condition be-
fore applying pressure to the system.
5. Keep body and hands away from pin hole leaks in hy-
draulic lines thateject highpressure hydraulic fluid.Use
cardboard or paper to find hydraulic leaks. Hydraulic
fluid escaping under pressure can penetrate skin and
cause injury. Fluid accidentally injected into the skin
must be surgicallyremoved withina few hours by adoc-
tor familiar with this form of injury or gangrene may re-
6. Before disconnecting or performing any work on the
hydraulic system, all pressure in system must be re-
lieved by stopping engine and lowering cutting units to
the ground.
7. If major repairs are ever needed or assistance is de-
sired, contact an Authorized Toro Distributor.
8. Toreduce potential fire hazard, keep engine areafree
of excessive grease, grass, leaves and dirt. Clean pro-
tective screen on front of engine frequently.
9. If engine must be running to perform maintenance or
an adjustment, keep hands, feet, clothing and other
parts of the body away fromcutting units and othermov-
ing parts. Keep everyone away.
10. Do not overspeed the engine by changing governor
setting. To assure safety and accuracy, have an Autho-
rized Toro Distributor check maximum engine speed.
11. Shut engine off before checking or adding oil to the
12. Disconnect battery before servicing the machine. If
battery voltage is required for troubleshooting or test
procedures, temporarily connect the battery.
13. At the time of manufacture, the machine conformed
to the safety s tandards for riding mowers. To assure op-
timum performance and continued safety certification of
the machine, use genuine Toro replacement parts and
accessories.Replacementparts andaccessories made
by other manufacturers may result in non-conformance
with the safety standards, and the warranty may be