Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 45
1. Make sure hydraulic oil is at normal operating tem-
perature by operatingthe machinefor approximately 10
minutes. Make sure the hydraulic tank is full.
2. Make sure machine is parked on alevel surface with
the cutting units lowered and off. Make sure engine is off
and the parking brake is engaged.
3. Read Precautions for Hydraulic Testing.
Note: The r eel motorsare connectedin series. To iso-
late a faulty motor, you may have to test all three motors
in the circuit by starting with the upstream motor first.
4. Disconnect the motor case drain hose (small diame-
terhose)whereitconnects totractionunit(notatthemo-
tor). Put a steel cap on the fitting at the traction unit;
leave the case drain hose open (Fig. 20)
5. Disconnect hose from return of the motor to be
tested. Install tester in series with the motor and discon-
nected return hose. Make sure the flow control valve on
tester is fully open. (Fig. 20).
6. Set reel speed control to the full speed position.
Make sure Mow/Backlap valve is in the “Mow” position.
Note: Use a graduated container, special tool
TOR4077, to measure case drain leakage (Fig. 20).
Cutting unit reels will rotate when lowered with
Enable/Disable switch in ENABLE position.
Keep away from cutting units during test to pre-
ventpersonal injuryfrom rotatingreel blades.Do
not stand in f ront of the machine.
7. Sit on seat and start the engine. Move throttle to full
speed (3200 RPM). Move ”Enable/Disable” switch to
ENABLE. Move ”Lower-Mow/Raise” lever forward to
engage cutting units.
8. While watching pressure gauge, slowly close flow
controlvalve on tester until a pressure of 1200 PSI is ob-
9. Have another person measure flow from the case
drain line for 15 seconds, then move the switch to DIS-
ABLE and stop the engine.
METER READING: 0.7 GPM or less at 1200 PSI.
10.Measure the amount of oil collected in the container.
Multiply the amount collected by 4 ( to get gallons per
minute)or use thechart below.Ifflowexceeded .7GPM,
the reel motor should be repaired or replaced.
11.If flow is less than .7 GPM, disconnect tester from
motor and hose. Reconnect hose to the reel motor. Re-
move plug from machine. Reconnect case drainhose to
the reel motor.