Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-DHydraulic System Page 4 - 38
TEST NO. 2: Traction Circuit Pressure
1. Makesurehydraulicoilis atnormaloperatingtemper-
ature before doing test.
2. Drive machine to an open area, lower cutting units,
and shut off the engine.
3. Connecta10,000psi gaugetotractioncircuit testport
for function to be checked (Fig. 14).
4. Start the engine and move throttle to full speed
(approx. 3200 RPM).
Prevent personal injury and/or damage to equip-
ment. Read all WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and Pre-
cautions for Hydraulic Testing at the beginning
of this section.
5. With brakes locked, slowly depress the traction ped-
al. While pushing traction pedal down, look at pressure
reading on gauge.
GAUGE READING: 4000 +/- 200 PSI.
6. Stop the engine.
7. If traction pressure is too low, inspect relief valves. If
problemoccursin onedirection only, interchangethe re-
lief valves to see if the problem changes to the other
direction. Clean or replace valves as necessary. These
cartridge type valves are factory set, and are notadjust-
able. If relief valves arein good condition, traction pump
or wheel motorsshould besuspected ofwear andineffi-
Figure 14
1. FORWARD Test Port 2. REVERSE Test Port