Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 - 49
Service and Repairs
General Precautions for Removing and Installing Hydraulic System Components
Before Repair or Replacement of Components
1. Before removing any parts from the hydraulic sys-
tem, park machine on a level surface, engage parking
brake, lower cutting units or attachments, and stop en-
gine. Remove key from the ignition switch
2. Clean machine before disconnecting, removing, or
disassembling any hydraulic components. Make sure
hydraulic components, hoses connections, and fittings
are cleaned thoroughly. Always keep in mind the need
for cleanliness w hen working on hydraulic equipment.
Operate all hydraulic controls to relieve system
pressure and avoid injury from pressurized hy-
draulic oil. Controls must be operated with the
ignition switch in RUN and the engine OFF. Make
sure all electrically operated control valves are
actuated. Return ignition switch to OFF when
pressure has been relieved. Remove key from
the ignition switch.
3. Putcapsor plugson anyhydraulic lines,hydraulic fit-
tings, and components left open or exposed to prevent
4. Put labels on disconnected hydraulic lines and
hosesfor properinstallationafter repairsare completed.
5. Note the position of hydraulic fittings (especially el-
bow fittings) on hydraulic components before removal.
Markparts ifnecessaryto makesure theywill bealigned
properly when reinstalling hydraulic hoses and tubes.
After Repair or Replacement of Components
1. Checkoillevel in thehydraulic reservoirand add cor-
rect oil if necessary. Drain and refill hydraulic system
reservoir, and change oil filter if component failure was
severe or system is contaminated (see Flush Hydraulic
2. Lubricate O-rings and seals with clean hydraulic oil
before installing hydraulic components.
3. Make sure caps or plugs are removed from the hy-
draulic tubes, hydraulic fittings, and components before
4. Use proper tightening methods when installing hy-
draulic hoses and fittings (see Hydraulic Fitting Installa-
5. Make sure caps or plugs are removed from the hy-
draulic tubes, hydraulic fittings, and components before
6. After repairs, check control linkages or cables for
proper adjustment, binding, or broken parts.
7. After disconnecting or replacing any hydraulic com-
ponents, operate machine functions slowly until air is
out of system (see Charge Hydraulic System).
8. Checkforhydraulicoilleaks.Shutoffengineandcor-
rectleaksifnecessary.Check oillevelinhydraulicreser-
voir and add correct oil if necessary.