Reelmaster 6500-D/6700-DPage 3 - 10Kubota Diesel Engine
Bleed Air from Fuel Injectors
IMPORTANT: Thisprocedure shouldbe usedonly if
the fuel system has been purged of air through nor-
mal priming procedures (see Bleed Fuel System)
and engine will not start.
1. Park machine on a level s urface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, and engage parking brake.
Under certain conditions, diesel fuel and fuel va-
pors are highly flammable and explosive. A fire
or explosion from fuel can burn you and others
and can cause property damage.
• Use a funnel and fill the fuel tank outdoors,
in an open a rea, when the engine is off a nd
is cold. Wipe up a ny fuel that spills.
• Do not fill the fuel tank completely full. Add
fuel to the fuel tank until the level is 1 in. (25
mm) below the bottom of the filler neck. This
• Never smoke w hen handling fuel, and stay
away from an open flame or where fuel
fumes may be ignited by a spark.
• Store fuel in a clean, safety-approved
container and keep the cap in place.
Figure 11
1. Injector/Pipe Connection
2. Release hood latch and open hood.
3. Loosen pipe connection to the N o. 1 injector nozzle
and holder assembly.
4. Move throttle to FAST position.
5. Turn ignition switch to START and watch fuel flow
around connector. Turn key to OFF when solid flow is
observed. Tighten pipe connector securely to the injec-
tor nozzle.
6. Repeat steps on the r emaining injector nozzles.
7. Close hood and secure latch.
Change Engine Oil and Filter
Changeoiland filterperiodically asrecommended inthe
maintenance schedules inChapter 2 - Product R ecords
and Maintenance.
1. Park machine on a level s urface, lower cutting units,
stop engine, engage parking brake, and remove key
from the ignition switch.
2. Remove drain plugs and let oil flow into drain pan.
When oil stops flowing, install the drain plugs.
3. Release hood latch and open hood.
4. Remove oil filter. Apply light coat of clean oil to the
new filter seal before installing filter. Do not over-tight-
en filter.
5. Add 10W-30 CD, CE, CF, CF-4, or CG-4 oil to crank-
case. Capacity is 7.5 qt. (7 L) with filter.
6. Close hood and secure latch.
Figure 12
1. Drain Plugs
Figure 13
1. Oil filter